The Wisconsin State Fair is known for frying everything under the sun, and putting it on a stick. Honestly I am not really a fan of fried food, and I find it no more enticing because it has been shoved on a stick. This particular day at the fair was 95 degrees outside, and the only notable thing I had that day was lemonade. Not even the fresh lemonade that comes out of the little carts for $4.00, the lemonade that most likely came from a powder and was oddly located at the Chinese Station.
Here we have the fried pickle. You may be panicking because it is a friend pickle sans stick. But rest assured people, it is at least fried. I do have to admit though, the fried pickles I am used to in Maine are far superior. The pickle was good, the batter, not so much.
You can not go to far at the fair and not meet some animals. This was one huge rooster! Perhaps I was missing the point of the state fair, however the animals made me sad. It was 95 degrees outside, and only hotter inside. And then too be on show, poked and prodded for a week or two? This might make for some angry cock.
I do not exactly know why, but I love cows! Here we have Jesus in "The House of Moo". Looking at this picture I realize the limitations of my digital Elph versus my 40D, depth of field is less than desired. Right outside the House of Moo, one can purchase a glass of milk for 25 cents! There were such varieties as banana, chocolate, root beer, strawberry, and vanilla cherry. Also next to the House of Moo one could learn of all the wonders of milking cows and pasteurization.
Perhaps one of the most famous things at the state fair are the cream puffs roughly the size of a human head. There is almost an entire building dedicated to manufacturing said cream puffs. Where I was not here for the cream puffs, there was air conditioning in here! That is not to say that they are probably delicious, however there is only so much damage one can do to their digestive system in one day.
We left the state fair with a fairly ambiguous response. The food was expensive, and honestly not that good. Most of it I would not even attempt to eat. Should cheeseburgers really be made with two Krispy Kremes as the bun? Does bacon really need to be dunked in chocolate and put on a stick? There was a station for wine tasting that was well worth the $5, however after paying to park, paying entrance to the fair, and outrageous food prices, I felt as though I had gotten very little.
This is not to say that this day was not amazing. After departing the fair we went to go see Ingrid Michaelson play an incredible show! Afterwards we sang outside her tour bus with signs, and of course a ukulele! The Huge success of the day was when we actually got to meet Allie Moss, Bess Rogers, and Ingrid Michaelson herself!
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